“book” In-house communication
To communication with other branch, We have many projects. but we have one more things that we use to communicate with colleagues called “book” Now you may have a question like what is Book? Let me tell you! Book is SNS that Web team made it and we use in-house to send message and photo to the others. It’s seem like Facebook or Hi5. and we can out happy! (Like) button also. but the different point is we use Core Value to define the message that we sent (I will write about core value in next post)Encounter to the world!
Besides in-house communication, We also use Twitter to forward our interesting stories to the world. I really recommend you to follow our member twitter. It’s really interesting! We also do many activities together like Bowling, have a lunch together and play game You may think Japanese work hard and always serious. I have to tell you that Event21 really work hard lol but we play harder! Because of all these unique people, I can working and living in Japan with fun and happy! See you next time! ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— こんにちは!ピムです! 現在、イベント21で働きだして6か月です。6か月間、社内の人に沢山の人に会って、色々なことを学びました。 私の経験から言うと、イベント21には日本の面白い人がたくさん集まっています!社内のコミュニケーションツール”book”
他拠点の人とコミュニケーションをとるためにもたくさんのプロジェクトがあります。さらに同僚たちとコミュニケーションとるためにbookもあります いま、bookについて気になっている方も多いと思います。 bookは社内SNSでメッセージや写真をFBみたいに使えるものです。いいね!機能も付いていて、happy!ボタが付いています! 他のSNSと違うポイントは、コアバリューに沿ったメッセージを送ることです。