月別: 2021年11月
If You are Looking to Rent a Projector in Tokyo, then Event21 is Your Place!!!
Hello to you all. I hope you are all having a great day. The other day I blogged about screens and how they ar […]
If You are Looking to Rent a Screen in Tokyo, then Event21 is Your Place!!!
Hello to you all. I hope you are all having a great day! A recent customer inquiry that has came up was with p […]
If You are Looking to Rent some Exhibition Panels in Tokyo, then Event21 is Your Place!!!
Hello to you all! I hope you are all doing well! Eventhough COVID-19 is still around, many companies must cont […]
If You are Looking to Rent Fashionable Light-Up Wine Coolers in Tokyo, then Event21 is Your Place!!!
Hello to you all! I hope you are all having a great day! It is Friday here in Japan, so many people are gettin […]
If You are Looking to Rent a Kotatsu in Tokyo, then Event21 is Your Place!!!
Hello to you all! I hope you are all doing well. As you probabably can feel, the weather is getting colder her […]
If You are Looking to Rent an Air Lotto in Tokyo, then Event21 is Your Place!!!
Hello to you all! I hope you are all having a great day. I was watching a variety TV show here in Japan, and t […]
(English) Good chances to connect through online event!
If You are Looking to Rent a Laminator in Tokyo, then Event21 is Your Place!!!
Hello to you all! I hope you are all have a great day. Recently, the COVID-19 cases have dropped drastically h […]
(English) Hire Performer for you event!