Post by Magana

Keep Lines Moving Fast and Safe from COVID-19 with this Thermal Detector w/ Giant Screen

Greetings to you all!

I hope everyone is doing well.

I was watching some NEWS in Japan, and there was a sudden spike in new cases of COVID-19.

The big cities like Tokyo and Osaka had over 300 new cases in one day of people catching the virus.

I got to thinking, it may have been the result of the Go To Eat and Go To Travel programs in Japan.

In Tokyo, the government launched the “Go To” programs to help business in Japan.

They basically consist of customers getting a big discount on hotels and restaurants.

As expected, people poured into restaurants and hotels.

I guess we are seeing the affects of the programs.

For that reason, I thought it would be best to introduce an item that can fight against the spread of the Corona Virus.

Let me introduce you to this Thermal Sensor w/ Giant Monitor!!!

This will make detecting peoples temperatures fast.

The thermal detector on top of the screen detects the person’s temperature in front of the camera within 1 second.

This is great if you have a business with lots of customers and you don’t want them to be waiting in line to take their temperature.

Take in customers fast and easy.

Are you thinking of holding an event? Then this is a great way to keep the long lines moving.

Whether you are holding a big event, or have a business with many people moving in and out, this Thermal Sensor w/ Giant Monitor is perfect for you!

Please have a look at our other COVID-19 prevention items.

If you are looking or if you know someone that is planning to do any rentals or events here in Japan, please let us know, or tell them about us.

If you have any questions about our products or services, please don’t hesitate to ask.

We are here to help. (Thermal Sensor w/ Giant Monitor)

Event 21 Homepage: (English) (Japanese)


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