Back to Devcon V event story again with me, Pim^^ After I went to install wall signage with customer from U.S.A. at ATC hall, the next is event called OFF Devcon Club Night!

I have got inquiry from customer in Germany. They would like to held party in Night club for participant from conference at ATC hall around 400 people. The difficult point for this job is start from searching venue (in this case is night club) for 400 people at 10 p.m. – 4 a.m. it was difficult to rent the venue during that period. but finally, I have found PICCADILLY!

PICCADILLY is night club in Umeda, Osaka prefecture. (Umeda is one of famous business area in Osaka) Club manager is also kind to us. He didn’t say ‘No’ to anything what we have requested and try to support us the best. At event, I also met guests from many countries and had a chance to talked with them (Some of guests asked me to dance with them…) It was my first time for nightclub in Japan and my first time I had to stay at the club around 6 hours lol

What I have learned from this job is different culture from various countries. and the most thing that very impressed me is when the guests said ‘thanks for organized this wonderful event’ with smile to me. It’s really worth to be there for 6 hours!

This event were done, but Devcon event still continue! I have for 1 more story about Devcon to share with you.So, see you next post!!!