Post by Magana (English) Get into Shape before Summer with this Standing Punching Bag from Event21!!! 06/04/202105/04/2021Tagged Corona Virus, COVID-19, Event21, Events, events in japan, Exercise, Fitness, Lockdown, Lose Weight, Punching Bag, rentals, Social Distance, Standing Punching Bag
(English) If You are Looking to Rent an Electric Generator in Tokyo, then Event21 is Your Place!!! 01/03/202228/02/2022
(English) If You are Looking to Rent a Studio Light in Tokyo, then Event21 is Your Place!!! 26/02/202225/02/2022
(English) If You are Looking to Rent a Indoor Slide in Tokyo, then Event21 is Your Place!!! 25/02/202224/02/2022