Post by Magana (English) If You are Looking to Rent a Zombie Attack Game in Tokyo, then Event21 is Your Place!!! 10/15/21 Friday10/14/21 ThursdayTagged Event21, Events, Facebook, Games, Halloween, Japan, Japanese, rentals, Wikipedia, YouTube, Zombies
(English) If You are Looking to Rent an Electric Generator in Tokyo, then Event21 is Your Place!!! 03/01/22 Tuesday02/28/22 Monday
(English) If You are Looking to Rent a Studio Light in Tokyo, then Event21 is Your Place!!! 02/26/22 Saturday02/25/22 Friday
(English) If You are Looking to Rent a Indoor Slide in Tokyo, then Event21 is Your Place!!! 02/25/22 Friday02/24/22 Thursday