Post by Wang

Sake Barrel Breaking Ceremony (Kagami Biraki) 鏡開き

The sake barrel breaking ceremony (kagami biraki) is a traditional Japanese ceremony where the sake barrel is broken using a mallet. 鏡開きは日本伝統の祈り、お祝い儀式、木槌で樽を叩きます。 This ceremony can be held during weddings, unveiling ceremonies, when moving to a new place, local festivals, construction completion ceremonies, parties and more! Rituals like the sake barrel breaking ceremony convey feelings of respect and gratitude. 結婚式、除幕式、引っ越し、地鎮祭、竣工式、発表会、打ち上げ、飲み会、、などで使えます、こういう儀式で敬意と感謝を伝えます Recently, we have been receiving more and more enquiries from overseas customers. Based on our customer’s request, we can ship to anywhere in the world! 最近海外からの問い合わせが多くなって、お客さんの要求で世界各地にお届けします、 If you have interest in the Japanese culture, even if you live outside of Japan, we can deliver the sake barrel breaking ceremony set […]

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