Post by Wang

If you want to do Jichinsai (ground breaking ceremony), Let Event21 help you ! 地鎮祭をやりたいならEVENT21へ!

Their also Jichinsai in China too. Before we build a house or do any construction, we will pray and make a wish to the god who protecting the ground. But there are some differences between jichinsai in Japan and China. The pattern of the altar is also different, simpler than China, and look like a shrine 地鎮祭は中国系の国にもあります、施工前に家の繁栄と工事の安全を願い、昔からその土地守っておられた氏神様にご挨拶する ただし日本の地鎮祭で使った物は中国系の国とはちょっと違います 祭壇の模様も違います、中華圏よりシンプルで、神社の感じがします In fact, We are inviting the shrine priests to do the ritual. 実際も神社の神主が儀式をやってもらいます  If you are interesting, please check it out ! 興味ある方サイトで見てみてください! If you want to do Jichinsai, please contact me ! See you! もし地鎮祭をやりたい場合いつでもご連絡ください! では、また!  

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Post by Angar

Looking for a particular stage? We can handle any stage!

Today we’ll be introducing something that we’ve been consecutively doing for one of our customers! We receive inquiries from this customer twice a year and he has asked for our services once again this year! The inquiry in question is a set-up of a runway. Our staff members, like always, did their very best to reach our customers expectation! The height of this runway stage is around 750mm, do you have any idea on how we set it up so high? I’ll give you a minute~~~ And the answer is! As you can see, the stage is set up high by stacking individual stages on top of each other! In […]

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