Posts by May

“Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?”_Snow white quote

Hi, “Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?”_snow white’s quote. Growing up, I love Disney movies a lot, mostly because I don’t have to worry about a twist or a sad ending. It’s definitely gonna be a happy ending if it’s a Disney movie and it’s such reassurance for a child. Three months after coronavirus and it’s been such a long fight, isn’t it? But I am almost certain that we will be victorious. Isn’t it like a Disney movie, a happy ending? Having said that, today I wanna talk about hygiene and very much necessary equipment for summer and defense for coronavirus. It’s a […]

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Post by Jack

Treat you guest better giving red carpet affair

Hello everyone! Have you ever considered yourself being so sophisticated, attending ceremony and walking on red carpet? Normal individuals like us might not have the chance on stepping on the red carpet in our life. However, we could always have the chance of providing this opportunity to others. And you got it! I want to talk about the red carpet and introduce it to you. By placing a red carpet on the ground, your event just become so attractive to others and the guests will feel respected. No matter the length and width, walking on the red carpet always feels good for all parties. So come to our website and […]

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Post by Angar

A fancy Red Carpet for your guests!

The typhoon a few days ago was quite terrifying… is everyone alright? May everyone and their plans be concluded safely and successfully! Well well, Though I’ll be changing the topic rather abruptly, Event21 Tokyo Branch has something fancy to introduce for you today! That item would be~~~ It’s rather weird isn’t it? That most people have the unconscious need to walk on these types of carpets and they feel special when they actually do. Therefore, we want your customers to feel special as well! Though the overall event can be special on its own, creating a special atmosphere for an event is important as well! We’ll also lay out the […]

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