Posts by Lim

Fun Family Time – Cotton Candy Making!


Running out of ideas for family activities at home?

Why not take a trip down nostalgia lane and try your hand at cotton candy-making?

Simple to prepare but filled with fun for the whole family.

Cotton candy is also known as wata-ame in Japanese – wata (cotton) and ame (candy).

It became widespread in Japan fromthe later half of the Meiji era to the Taisho era, and is now a popular favourite at Japanese festivals (matsuri).

If you are looking for fun family ideas during this period, why not consider cotton-candy making?

Enjoy the fun, plus eat it when it’s at its best – fresh!

We deliver nationwide across Japan – contact us for any inquiries, or for any other products you might want to rent at

You can also visit out homepage here for more details.

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