Post by Magana

Feel Safer Against COVID-19 with these Face Shields!!!

Good day to you all!

I hope everyone is keeping safe during these hard times.

According to recent NEWS, these has been a surge in COVID-19 around the world.

Here in Japan, there seems to be a 3rd wave of Corona Virus as well.

People do seem to let their guard down after a while.

If you feel surgical masks are not enough, then we have Face Shields to help you feel safer.

As we know, surgical masks are not 100% proof, then again nothing is.

But by having a face shield on, you can greatly reduce the risk of infection.

It may seem a little strange, but it is better to be safe than sorry.

Here is Japan, it is not so rare to see people with face masks.


Here in Japan, Bonenkais are coming soon, so it is better to be safe.

Bonenkai is basically a year end party that all Japanese companies have at the end of December.

So there is a lot of talking, eating and drinking.

Here at Event21, we want to help you keep safe from COVID-19.

So please have a look at all our other items to keep you safe.

If you are looking or if you know someone that is planning to do any rentals or events here in Japan, please let us know, or tell them about us.

If you have any questions about our products or services, please don’t hesitate to ask.

We are here to help. (Face Shield)

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