Post by Magana

Celebrate your Event with Breaking Open a Barrel of Sake here at Event21!!!

Hello to you all

I hope everyone is having a good day.

There has been a rise of events here in Japan even though COVID-19 is still around.

Although people are still aware of the dangers, people are learning to live with COVID-19.

Especially now that the weather is warm, a lot of people want to go out and have fun.

In Japan, Matsuri (Japanese Festivals) are usually celebrated during the warm seasons.

But companies do their own events as well.

A Japanese tradition when it comes to companies is Sake Barrel Opening (Kagami Biraki).

It consist of usually the head person of the company or event, using a hammer and “breaking” the lid of the barrel of sake.

It is usually performed when a company opens, new years or any special event.

Now to prevent any problems later on both legally or physically, most barrels towards the cities tend to be filled with water and the lid already broken.

Sake is then served in Masu cups from bottles.

You can still perform the Japanese tradition of opening a barrel of sake at your next event or celebration.

There are many sizes, but standard size is 18L barrel or in Japan (4斗樽)

Please have a look at our other items that usually go with the Sake Barrel Opening event.

If you are looking or if you know someone that is planning to do any rentals or events here in Japan, please let us know, or tell them about us.

If you have any questions about our products or services, please don’t hesitate to ask.

We are here to help. (Sake Barrel)

Event 21 Homepage: (English) (Japanese)


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